Copied from Ichabod
his Facebook photo for many weeks.
Various readers noticed, a long time ago, that anything posted here about Fox Valley brought an immediate, hateful response from the same person.
The blogger is from Appleton and uses a Mac computer. That showed up when I deliberately provoked an Appleton response and watched Feedjit. Sure enough, Appleton lit up while Anonymouse posted a comment. Feedjit showed Anonymouse used a Mac computer.
Fox Valley Lutherans know that CORE uses Macs. In fact, everyone who has a Mac lets people know about it.
I eliminated Ski from consideration because he is too lazy to create a blog. He does not even blog on his own website (or run it). He still brags about worshiping with the Babtists on his blog about the Andy Stanley Drive conference.
Katie? She is too Buddhist in her ruminations, and she has left the scene.
Other Fox Valley pastors? I floated the name of Lillo to see the reaction. He denied it and Anonymouse piously apologized to Lillo for drawing fire on the wrong person.
As someone suggested, a group could be involved with one of them taking the lead.
Here are some indications of Tim Glende taking the lead on this:
1. He did not grow up WELS at all. He was a member of St. Paul's in German Village, Columbus, Ohio, an independent Lutheran church which practiced open communion, women's suffrage, communing Masonic Lodge members, Boy Scouts, and Church Growth. St. Paul's was WELS when it suited them and ready to bolt when anyone suggested they walk the walk. St. Paul's finally joined WELS, but that was recently.
2. St. Paul's made the tragic mistake of letting Floyd Luther Stolzenburg join, after he was kicked out of the LCMS ministery for adultery and divorced by his first wife. Floyd was sued by the husband of his girlfriend, etc.
3. Because of money connections, the WELS district leaders floated the lie that Stolzenburg had a "Scriptural divorce" and left the ministry voluntarily! Floyd never was WELS and swore he would never join WELS, but he was put forward as a Church Growth consultant and pseudo-pastor. Roger Zehms, another divorced pastor, another Shrinker, joined the team. Zehms was actually WELS and now resides at St. Marcus, Milwaukee. The two of them worked out of a real estate office, meddled in everything, and made themselves most unwelcome.
4. Stolzenburg and the Columbus WELS pastors promoted the lies until I found out the truth from numerous sources. At that point Stolzenburg was portrayed by the local WELS pastors as a victim, a martyr to the cause. His little CG sandbox blew up, but WELS got behind him for a job at Emanuel in Columbus, sister church to St. Paul's. District VP Kuske denied being involved, but he wrote a letter of reference for Floyd (non-WELS, false teacher) while working constantly to get rid of me. DP Mueller sponsored Stolzenburg to be a WELS pastor via colloquy! Others stopped that, according to DP Nitz.
5. Tim Glende has proved to be a true disciple of Church Growth, Columbus style.
6. Glende and Ski, like Stolzenburg, simply copy whatever CG program appeals to them. Both of them plagiarize Craig Groeschel in the name of outreach.
7. Notice how un-original the fake Ichabod is, and how dishonest. The fake has to use this blog's name to lure people. The fake adopted my nickname for him, Anonymouse, and added Shrinker, terms I have heavily promoted for the damage these numbskulls do.
8. The fake is notoriously sensitive about Ski being criticized and has complained about photos of Glende and Ski, criticism of the "confessional Lutheran" Valleskey, etc.
9. Glende uses his mediocre education as a club to beat laity who question him - typical WELS bullying tactic. Let's face it - Glende and scholarship are not synonymous terms.
10. The fake blogger fulminates about my graduate study at Yale University, but his Uncle John Brug also studied at Yale for a session. That is typical WELS - OK for me but not for thee.
11. The fake blogger goes nuts about Valleskey, but his hero studied at Fuller Seminary and lied about it. I forgot, WELS pastors can lie for a good cause. GA training.
12. Glende lies constantly about his schemes. He, Ski, and Katie went out to study under Marc Driscoll (the cussing pastor with the Mickey Mouse shirt), but Glende made it look like a WELS pastors' conference. "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
13. Glende says he is using Groeschel to "save his congregation." But St. Peter Freedom had all those years under the chairman of Church and Change! They should have 8,000 members by now. That is what Stolzenburg and Schumann were going to do for St. Paul, German Village.
14. The first pastor to suffer under Glende left in a few months because of "deception." The parish never faced the issue, and now another assistant has entered the Slough of Groeschel.
15. The fake blogger, who best mirrors the pathetic doctrinal knowledge of Glende, goes batty over my study of Lutheran authors - while left unsaid is his devotion to anti-Lutheran New Age leaders.
16. The vindictiveness of the fake blogger is deeply personal and repeats the ocean of lies promoted by the three divorced Columbus pastors and their boss, Kuske. The fake blogger attacked me, using my two daughters. When he was called on it, those posts disappeared, just as his other stuff disappears from time to time.
17. UOJ and Church Shrinkage go together. The fake blogger has promoted both - UOJ rabidly and Church Shrinkage by being anti-anti-CG. They do not have a case for CG, so they are simply anti-anti-CG.
18. See a parallel here? Stolzenburg started a mission church, with the blessing of Mueller and Kuske, which omitted the name Lutheran: Pilgrim Community Church. I am not kidding! Glende and Ash started a mission which omitted Lutheran and Church - The CORE. What irony!
Pilgrim struck Plymouth Rock and sank, with watery groan, "unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown."
WELS is teetering on the brink of total doctrinal and financial meltdown. I am glad that Fox Valley has provided a look into the cesspool called Church Growth - or lately Emerging Church.
Columbus, Ohio was once called the "cesspool of WELS." What do they have in common? Church Growth, UOJ, and that Anything Goes attitude, plus a spineless Doctrinal Pussycat to bless every blasphemy. Yes, Englebrecht is buddy-buddy with Ski and Glende, just as DP Mueller and VP Kuske were pals with Stolzenburg.
I concede that others may be involved with Glende or even posting on his behalf. The district voted to re-elect Englebrecht, so it is obvious how far gone the whole region is.
Anonymouse Shrink disappeared. We miss those toilet pictures. He was so creative and witty. I expect the fake blogger to disappear for a time and re-appear later. Maybe he will rage and disappear. The more he posts, the better we know the maggot, whoever he might be.
WELS members have had an intimate look at one of their own, right from the heart of Church Growth Central, Fox Valley. He represents his circuit and his district - the crumbling remains of WELS.
The fake blogger was most unhappy about this appearing.
TShinnick has left a new comment on your post "Fake Ichabod Probably Tim Glende":
Your only points that even attempt to draw a possible connection between Glende and this fake blog are 8, 15, and 16. Even those arguments are incredibly facile and inconclusive.
1-7, 9, 12-14, and 18 are simply statements about Glende and his background.
10 and 11 work under the assumption that Glende is the fake blogger. It doesn't support that assertion.
17 is just a rant that could be found in any post on this site.
So, forgive me for not being convinced, but you've given us fifteen points of irrelevant information.
GJ - Shinnick is from Appleton, graduated from Mary Lou College, and will attend The Sausage Factory.
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His refutation is oh so compelling.
I'm bored already by this blog. Your tagline states that this blog exists to denounce anonymous bloggers, and determine their identity. Yet I fail to see your identities posted anywhere. You talk of a courage which you yourself lack. Real cute.
ReplyDeleteI'll check back sometime to see if your "fireworks" have started. You may want to get some dry fuses.
geez you guys are pretty hypocritical: Running an anonymous blog with it's sole focus to criticise an anonymous blogger?
ReplyDeletehaaaa haaa ha (laughing out loud!)
Only in the creepy little sect we know of as the WELS. Totally like, evidence of your um... never mind. I shall know them by their fruits
Yo Bored. You are anonymously criticizing something anonymous. We are simply fire with fire. What are you doing?