Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just a Few of the Lies from the Cowardly Mouse

The Anonymouser Seven are investigating the dishonest posts of the coward who calls himself Anonymouse.

We know, because we asked, that Pastor Jackson was called as the pastor of Bethany Lutheran Church in 1995, approximately the same year Anonymouse entered a detox program the first time. His listeners range from coast to coast. He had almost 50 households at his services (at one time) during Holy Week.

The attributes of a pastor are: divine call, preaching and teaching. He also teaches Biblical courses and doctrinal courses, which are saved. Our team is rather shocked that the phony blogger could blab on without acknowledging these facts.

We know, because we asked, that Pastor Jackson never went for schooling under false teachers once he joined WELS. The only exception, he said, was when a member of St. Paul's in Columbus paid his fee to attend a Church Growth seminar attended by the pastor and members of her congregation. He did that to report on it, and he published that report. He also visited Willow Creek and published a report on that operation. We know from F. Pieper that it is not unionism to visit false teachers to report on them.

We know, because we asked, that Anonymouse simply makes things up without knowing what he is talking about. For example, we know from reading Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed:

Pastor Jackson has around 60,000 unique readers, who look at 360,000 pages a year. That is his part-time effort, when he is not writing books and sermons.

He is a tent-maker, meaning that almost all his income is from outside the congregation. Compare that to the phony's heroes, who skim their entire income and their benefits from their synod's national offering. There is a precedent for being a tent-maker, going back to Paul. Our synod has already experimented with what he began to do 15 years ago.

The phony either cannot read or does not comprehend what is plainly set before him.

Why does he devote himself to attacking one person so venomously? Certainly Jackson has gotten under his skin, stepped on his Baptist toes, and offended his favorite New Age doctrines.

If the phony is against unionism, where are the posts about Archbishop Weakland at WLC?

Valleskey, Bivens, Kelm, Huebner, and Olson at Fuller?

Ski and Glende - everywhere but a Lutheran school?

These Anonymouse heroes are unionists practicing unionism as WELS pastors and earning large sums to spit on the Confessions. And yet the phony is enchanted by them, bewitched by their growling, slavering muzzles.

We examined the Pastor Jackson's blog and found him quoting Luther and the Book of Concord without hesitation. He has also quoted Calvin, Zwingli, Leonard Sweet, and many other false teachers to show where they are wrong. Why does this upset the phony blogger?

We are waiting for the phony to come out of the closet and reveal himself. In the meantime, we hope he keeps posting and erasing. He must be ashamed when he is shown up, because he hides the evidence as quickly as he posts them.

The more Anonymouse droppings he leaves behind, the more people will understand his true rodent nature.

He is an obvious tail-bearer, because he publishes two anonymouse blogs at once and pretends they are written by two individuals. Poor Mousey has to promote himself because he is a feeble writer, a contemptible liar, and a scaredy-cat.

We wish him well in his future endeavors: drying out, paying his fines, getting a better deal from his parole officer.

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