Saturday, July 24, 2010

We Seven Agree

Copied from Ichabod

WELS Pastor Tim Glende posed, like a deer caught in the headlights, with Katy Perry,
his Facebook photo for many weeks.

Various readers noticed, a long time ago, that anything posted here about Fox Valley brought an immediate, hateful response from the same person.

The blogger is from Appleton and uses a Mac computer. That showed up when I deliberately provoked an Appleton response and watched Feedjit. Sure enough, Appleton lit up while Anonymouse posted a comment. Feedjit showed Anonymouse used a Mac computer.

Fox Valley Lutherans know that CORE uses Macs. In fact, everyone who has a Mac lets people know about it.

I eliminated Ski from consideration because he is too lazy to create a blog. He does not even blog on his own website (or run it). He still brags about worshiping with the Babtists on his blog about the Andy Stanley Drive conference.

Katie? She is too Buddhist in her ruminations, and she has left the scene.

Other Fox Valley pastors? I floated the name of Lillo to see the reaction. He denied it and Anonymouse piously apologized to Lillo for drawing fire on the wrong person.

As someone suggested, a group could be involved with one of them taking the lead.

Here are some indications of Tim Glende taking the lead on this:

1. He did not grow up WELS at all. He was a member of St. Paul's in German Village, Columbus, Ohio, an independent Lutheran church which practiced open communion, women's suffrage, communing Masonic Lodge members, Boy Scouts, and Church Growth. St. Paul's was WELS when it suited them and ready to bolt when anyone suggested they walk the walk. St. Paul's finally joined WELS, but that was recently.
2. St. Paul's made the tragic mistake of letting Floyd Luther Stolzenburg join, after he was kicked out of the LCMS ministery for adultery and divorced by his first wife. Floyd was sued by the husband of his girlfriend, etc.
3. Because of money connections, the WELS district leaders floated the lie that Stolzenburg had a "Scriptural divorce" and left the ministry voluntarily! Floyd never was WELS and swore he would never join WELS, but he was put forward as a Church Growth consultant and pseudo-pastor. Roger Zehms, another divorced pastor, another Shrinker, joined the team. Zehms was actually WELS and now resides at St. Marcus, Milwaukee. The two of them worked out of a real estate office, meddled in everything, and made themselves most unwelcome.
4. Stolzenburg and the Columbus WELS pastors promoted the lies until I found out the truth from numerous sources. At that point Stolzenburg was portrayed by the local WELS pastors as a victim, a martyr to the cause. His little CG sandbox blew up, but WELS got behind him for a job at Emanuel in Columbus, sister church to St. Paul's. District VP Kuske denied being involved, but he wrote a letter of reference for Floyd (non-WELS, false teacher) while working constantly to get rid of me. DP Mueller sponsored Stolzenburg to be a WELS pastor via colloquy! Others stopped that, according to DP Nitz.
5. Tim Glende has proved to be a true disciple of Church Growth, Columbus style.
6. Glende and Ski, like Stolzenburg, simply copy whatever CG program appeals to them. Both of them plagiarize Craig Groeschel in the name of outreach.
7. Notice how un-original the fake Ichabod is, and how dishonest. The fake has to use this blog's name to lure people. The fake adopted my nickname for him, Anonymouse, and added Shrinker, terms I have heavily promoted for the damage these numbskulls do.
8. The fake is notoriously sensitive about Ski being criticized and has complained about photos of Glende and Ski, criticism of the "confessional Lutheran" Valleskey, etc.
9. Glende uses his mediocre education as a club to beat laity who question him - typical WELS bullying tactic. Let's face it - Glende and scholarship are not synonymous terms.
10. The fake blogger fulminates about my graduate study at Yale University, but his Uncle John Brug also studied at Yale for a session. That is typical WELS - OK for me but not for thee.
11. The fake blogger goes nuts about Valleskey, but his hero studied at Fuller Seminary and lied about it. I forgot, WELS pastors can lie for a good cause. GA training.
12. Glende lies constantly about his schemes. He, Ski, and Katie went out to study under Marc Driscoll (the cussing pastor with the Mickey Mouse shirt), but Glende made it look like a WELS pastors' conference. "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
13. Glende says he is using Groeschel to "save his congregation." But St. Peter Freedom had all those years under the chairman of Church and Change! They should have 8,000 members by now. That is what Stolzenburg and Schumann were going to do for St. Paul, German Village.
14. The first pastor to suffer under Glende left in a few months because of "deception." The parish never faced the issue, and now another assistant has entered the Slough of Groeschel.
15. The fake blogger, who best mirrors the pathetic doctrinal knowledge of Glende, goes batty over my study of Lutheran authors - while left unsaid is his devotion to anti-Lutheran New Age leaders.
16. The vindictiveness of the fake blogger is deeply personal and repeats the ocean of lies promoted by the three divorced Columbus pastors and their boss, Kuske. The fake blogger attacked me, using my two daughters. When he was called on it, those posts disappeared, just as his other stuff disappears from time to time.
17. UOJ and Church Shrinkage go together. The fake blogger has promoted both - UOJ rabidly and Church Shrinkage by being anti-anti-CG. They do not have a case for CG, so they are simply anti-anti-CG.
18. See a parallel here? Stolzenburg started a mission church, with the blessing of Mueller and Kuske, which omitted the name Lutheran: Pilgrim Community Church. I am not kidding! Glende and Ash started a mission which omitted Lutheran and Church - The CORE. What irony!
Pilgrim struck Plymouth Rock and sank, with watery groan, "unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown."

WELS is teetering on the brink of total doctrinal and financial meltdown. I am glad that Fox Valley has provided a look into the cesspool called Church Growth - or lately Emerging Church.

Columbus, Ohio was once called the "cesspool of WELS." What do they have in common? Church Growth, UOJ, and that Anything Goes attitude, plus a spineless Doctrinal Pussycat to bless every blasphemy. Yes, Englebrecht is buddy-buddy with Ski and Glende, just as DP Mueller and VP Kuske were pals with Stolzenburg.

I concede that others may be involved with Glende or even posting on his behalf. The district voted to re-elect Englebrecht, so it is obvious how far gone the whole region is.

Anonymouse Shrink disappeared. We miss those toilet pictures. He was so creative and witty. I expect the fake blogger to disappear for a time and re-appear later. Maybe he will rage and disappear. The more he posts, the better we know the maggot, whoever he might be.

WELS members have had an intimate look at one of their own, right from the heart of Church Growth Central, Fox Valley. He represents his circuit and his district - the crumbling remains of WELS.

Bishop Katie published this photo, which I enhanced a bit.
The fake blogger was most unhappy about this appearing.


TShinnick has left a new comment on your post "Fake Ichabod Probably Tim Glende":

Your only points that even attempt to draw a possible connection between Glende and this fake blog are 8, 15, and 16. Even those arguments are incredibly facile and inconclusive.
1-7, 9, 12-14, and 18 are simply statements about Glende and his background.
10 and 11 work under the assumption that Glende is the fake blogger. It doesn't support that assertion.
17 is just a rant that could be found in any post on this site.

So, forgive me for not being convinced, but you've given us fifteen points of irrelevant information.

GJ - Shinnick is from Appleton, graduated from Mary Lou College, and will attend The Sausage Factory.
His refutation is oh so compelling.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Nominees for Phony Blogger Are

Tim Glende, St. Peter's, Freedom, Wisconsin,
is another fan of Craig Groeschel.

Our Anonymouser Seven research team has come up with names for the phony blogger, since Lillo has denied the deed and any ability with an Apple computer:

Suspect Appleton pastors - Tom Mielke at St Matthews, Tim Glende at St Peters, Mark Henke at Bethany, Ron Ash dictating with someone else doing the posts, Ski dictating with someone else doing the posts. The CORE folks use MACs.

Lillo and these pastors know who the phony blogger is, that he is the same one who created Anonymouse Shrinker and fled the scene.

Why does attention focus on Tim Glende?

A. He has been a Ski buddy ever since they were pups on the football team in prep.
B. No one ever called Glende a good student.
C. The phony blog and Anonymouse Shrinker seemed rather focused on defending Ski, which seems to be Glende's part-time job. Other obsessions of the blogger are Lenski (bad) and UOJ (wonderful).
D. Glende is known for deception. That was noted on a blog from his own church member, when his assistant pastor quit after a few weeks. Our favorite blog has also pointed out how often Glende has deceived his congregation about the anti-Lutheran conferences he attends with Ski and Katie.

The phony blog reminds us of the Church and Change modus operandi. It tries to copy what it cannot produce on its own. It decries copying photos while copying photos. It has the same sanctimonious message every time - a bitter and vindictive personal attack.

Some of the worst posts have been taken down, but they reveal a pathological personality, emotionally arrested in the teen years, the kind of person who poses with Katy Perry instead of his wife on Facebook.

IMG_9037_4x5Pastor Tim Glende a.k.a. Pastor Tim
5 ways to describe you: Blessed by God. Loves his family. Passionate about sharing Jesus in the Valley. Hard worker. Obsessive about Ohio State Football – “Go Bucks!”.

What you do at St. Peter: Lead pastor and main preacher for weekly worship, with main ministry responsibilities being administration, worship, and working with our school board, staff, and students.

Before St. Peter: Attended High School at Michigan Lutheran Seminary (Saginaw, MI) - Class of 1990; Attended Northwestern College (Watertown, WI) - Class of 1994, Graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (Mequon, WI) with a Masters in Divinity – Class of 1998; 1998-2006 - pastor of Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Urbana & Savoy, IL.

Married in 1995 to Holly, his wife of 14 years; blessed in 1996 with the birth of their daughter Miranda and equally as blessed in 1998 when their son Noah was born.

Other places he is likely to be found: His children’s sporting events, FVL’s weight room, on the golf course (Fridays only), spending Friday nights with Holly, watching football in the Fall


WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "The Nominees for Phony Blogger Are":

Judging from the conversations, the fake ichabod was being manned by a small group of pastors and one layman.(Niedfeldt)Pastor Lillo is almost a decade older than the pastors in the said group. Where is his responsibility in leading the younger shepherds? Lillo was commenting for sometime on Intrepid Lutherans.(hence he does know my real name and responded to my comments with a civil tone) Joe Krohn followed the fake blog for a time. Joe Krohn! To God be the glory! Have you been reading his testimonies regarding faith? It is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Was Pastor Lillo the one using I.J. Reilly as a screen name? "Reilly" claimed to be a pastor in the Fox Valley. This business about Rue, Lenske, and Schmidt is so bogus. I have in front of me a conference paper written by a WELS pastor in 2008. An entire page discusses Rue's teaching on homiletics. This pastor used Reu as a positive source in a paper titled, "What Are Catholics Hearing From The Pulpit"?

Keep moving guys! It is all in the name of Confessional Lutheranism. Glende, Ski, and the like are moving to something else.

In Christ,
from WELs church lady

Addendum Borrowed from the One Who Cannot Be Named:

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Pastor Left St. Peter Freedom Because of Church Growth Turmoil There

From Anonymouse: This has got to be a new low, even for you. You admit that you know nothing about this situation other than what you read in the St. Peter newsletter. As far as you know, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Core. Yet you print this story with your little photoshopped picture designed to make Pastor Glende and Ski look as ridiculous as you possibly can (What, you've never looked silly having a good time at a restaurant?) and hint that it has something to do with St. Peter's relationship with the Core. On the record: I have no Idea why Pastor Christenson asked for a call out of St. Peter AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA EITHER! I really don't know how you can live with yourself or sleep at night.
"Lord, Lord, didn't I maintain a church on the internet and mercilessly mock those who weren't (in my opinion) orthodox enough?"
"I never knew you!"

Above is the original silly photo, posted by Bishop Katie herself on Twitter. Shame on Katie!
The threesome attended a pastoral conference on Mark Driscoll's home turf,
but no one owned up to being in Seattle for Driscoll.

GJ - Reading the tea leaves, I would say that the someone approved the departure of the new pastor after only a few months. The public record of Ron Ash and Tim Glende is clear - they are up to their necks in unionistic Church Growth. There is no possibility that the new pastor left because he was too growthy for that pair! Consider also the leaven of Ski and Katie, whose motto is: "No Enthusiast left behind." Another source confirmed that Glende and Ash are the cause, not the cure.

The Appleton Dumpling Gang is well fed.

This PhotoShop was inspired by Glende's and Ski's lack of candor
about their trip to Seattle.

This cartoon made Wally Oelhaven furious,
but it sure fits The CORE, Ski, Glende, Kati, and Ron Ash.

Ron Ash retired as the pastor of St. Peter, Freedom,
He still chairs the odious Church and Chicanery faction in WELS.

Floyd Luther Stolzenburg introduced Church Growth to St. Paul, German Village,when Tim Glende was an impressionable teen member there. Kicked out of the LCMS for cause, Stolzenburg was divorced by his wife, but WELS made him an overpaid CG guru - then Kuske and Schumann endorsed him for pastoral work.The apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?
But sometimes we just end up with The CORE!

Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "St. Peter Freedom (The CORE Mother-Church) Loses S...":

Pretty hypocritical that it's OK for Confessional Crusaders to post anonymously. As long as it promotes your skewed agenda, right PJ? What a freaking double standard.

Run on sentences? Well that's typical criticism from someone who is narrow minded (or should I say closed minded) and needs to retake reading and comprehension. So if there's no real substance to criticize, lets (sic) nit pick (sic - nitpick is one word) grammar. Give me a break. Get a life.

Mighty Mouse [Most likely Tim Felt-Needs] But he denies it.

Tim loves to use the term "Confessional Crusaders."
Mequon graduates - click on this link for proof.

Our Melanchology Duty - Reporting on the Hate-filled Anonymouse

Ski is the phony blogger's main concern.

Anonymouse stopped blogged and erased his files. We bet no one saw that coming!

The phony Ichabod site has another post, proving his tender toes have been threatened again.

In all the blogs in all the world, how many are devoted to one person? How many are filled with bitter, ignorant rants that reveal a poor education in basic theology? So far, the Anonymouser Seven have found just one blogger like that - this one. He also wrote the Anonymouse blog in-between stints in rehab and detox.

He condemns his own synod for reading the books discussed by Pastor Jackson.

He supports unionism with Fuller Seminary by calling David Valleskey a "confessional Lutheran."

Valleskey's sober students would never go that far. Valleskey, as we all know, is famous for gushing about Church Growth, when he thought he had the right audience. If the group was too big, he did a big routine about being cautious and careful.

Our guess is that he looked like the gamblers who get off the plane in Las Vegas, when he walked onto the Fuller campus.

We seven want to know - Do confessional Lutherans study at Fuller and claim they did not?

We know how many places Ski has been. He brags about it. His co-pastor used to Tweet about it, every few months.

Appleton blogger - don't tell us exactly who you are. That is the only mystery left.

We checked and found out that The CORE bunch uses Apple computers.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tell the Truth about Your Faculty

Anonymouse has invited himself to dinner at the rat temple. The rats look disgusted. They would rather dine with an ethical person with integrity and courage.

The Anonymouser Seven met to discuss the often repeated, perhaps envious, chatter from Anonymouse.

Pastor Jackson attended his denomination's seminary, which is no surprise. The WELS, Missouri, and ELS pastors should not be offended. Their leaders were working with the LCA and ALC during that time and Fuller became the favorite theological school of those groups.

When Jackson attended Yale and Notre Dame, he was studying at academically recognized non-denominational schools. Anonymouse seems to like Brug, who also attended Yale for a session. We know, because we asked Pastor Jackson, who knows Brug.

When the skunks at LutherQuest brought up Notre Dame, Jackson listed all of the Ft. Wayne professors who earned PhDs at the same school. Silence followed.

They brought up multiple synods, too, so Jackson listed Barry's four different synods and the Preus family's pan-Lutheran history, which includes The ALC. More silence.

The Bethany faculty does not like higher education. A college degree is optional for them.

The Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary faculty is involved in graduate studies. At what schools, pray tell? They are state universities and the like.

Valleskey and Bivens bragged about their Fuller training, but we doubt earned real doctorates anywhere.

We know Brug has a PhD in Hebrew from Minnesota. Where is the outrage from that thin-skinned rodent who is always pointing his stained paws in one direction?

Some Martin Luther College faculty members have real doctorates? Has that been approved by Mouse?

Lawrence Olson's DMin from Fuller Seminary is a matter of record. Why does Mouse keep avoiding these sordid facts?

Anonymouse is one sick rodent.

Just a Few of the Lies from the Cowardly Mouse

The Anonymouser Seven are investigating the dishonest posts of the coward who calls himself Anonymouse.

We know, because we asked, that Pastor Jackson was called as the pastor of Bethany Lutheran Church in 1995, approximately the same year Anonymouse entered a detox program the first time. His listeners range from coast to coast. He had almost 50 households at his services (at one time) during Holy Week.

The attributes of a pastor are: divine call, preaching and teaching. He also teaches Biblical courses and doctrinal courses, which are saved. Our team is rather shocked that the phony blogger could blab on without acknowledging these facts.

We know, because we asked, that Pastor Jackson never went for schooling under false teachers once he joined WELS. The only exception, he said, was when a member of St. Paul's in Columbus paid his fee to attend a Church Growth seminar attended by the pastor and members of her congregation. He did that to report on it, and he published that report. He also visited Willow Creek and published a report on that operation. We know from F. Pieper that it is not unionism to visit false teachers to report on them.

We know, because we asked, that Anonymouse simply makes things up without knowing what he is talking about. For example, we know from reading Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed:

Pastor Jackson has around 60,000 unique readers, who look at 360,000 pages a year. That is his part-time effort, when he is not writing books and sermons.

He is a tent-maker, meaning that almost all his income is from outside the congregation. Compare that to the phony's heroes, who skim their entire income and their benefits from their synod's national offering. There is a precedent for being a tent-maker, going back to Paul. Our synod has already experimented with what he began to do 15 years ago.

The phony either cannot read or does not comprehend what is plainly set before him.

Why does he devote himself to attacking one person so venomously? Certainly Jackson has gotten under his skin, stepped on his Baptist toes, and offended his favorite New Age doctrines.

If the phony is against unionism, where are the posts about Archbishop Weakland at WLC?

Valleskey, Bivens, Kelm, Huebner, and Olson at Fuller?

Ski and Glende - everywhere but a Lutheran school?

These Anonymouse heroes are unionists practicing unionism as WELS pastors and earning large sums to spit on the Confessions. And yet the phony is enchanted by them, bewitched by their growling, slavering muzzles.

We examined the Pastor Jackson's blog and found him quoting Luther and the Book of Concord without hesitation. He has also quoted Calvin, Zwingli, Leonard Sweet, and many other false teachers to show where they are wrong. Why does this upset the phony blogger?

We are waiting for the phony to come out of the closet and reveal himself. In the meantime, we hope he keeps posting and erasing. He must be ashamed when he is shown up, because he hides the evidence as quickly as he posts them.

The more Anonymouse droppings he leaves behind, the more people will understand his true rodent nature.

He is an obvious tail-bearer, because he publishes two anonymouse blogs at once and pretends they are written by two individuals. Poor Mousey has to promote himself because he is a feeble writer, a contemptible liar, and a scaredy-cat.

We wish him well in his future endeavors: drying out, paying his fines, getting a better deal from his parole officer.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Trashing Scholars

We seven met to discuss the arrogant stupidity of someone who calls himself the Real Ichabod.

He is a WELS pastor, not very bright, who rants and raves about Lenski. Just about everyone in the Old Synodical Conference has a set of Lenski. When the ELCA let Lenski go out of print, someone put it back into production and everyone began buying it again.

What is the basis for this ongoing tantrum?

Lenski teaches justification by faith. Shockeroo. So does Martin Luther.

This anonymous lickspittle cannot make a case for his favorite fads, so he displays his lack of knowledge about Lenski.

What he really loves is Baptist thinking. He is a big fan of the Church Growth Movement. His homies are all Church Growthers. His favorite professors are Church Growthers. But he cannot defend something people can see through.

He would rather rave.

His Baptist heroes say this: "Jesus died for your sins. God has done His part. Now you must do your part. Make a decision for Christ."

The pretender is a synergist. He loves synergism (at best). We think he is really a Pelagian. A few hours of waterboarding or three beers would prove the Pelagian accusation rather easily. He really believes in salvation by works and the perfection of man - as long as he does not look at his resume or his reflection in the mirror.

Let's have a real post from him, one that shows more than the effect of too much underage drinking in Watertown. A bad liver can make someone terribly irritable, especially in the morning.

The cat is out of the bag.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We Are Watching and Reporting

We are watching and reporting on the bitter, hate-filled, lying blogger who calls himself Anonymouse and the Real Ichabod.

He is not fooling anyone.

Fasten your seatbelt. The fireworks are just starting.